We conducted satisfaction surveys with every member in every program recently. Here is their feedback:

Members and families also had the opportunity to add comments to their survey. Here is a sample of the comments:

Luke (right) with his housemate.
24-Hour CILA
- "Member enjoys his freedom with his services."
- "Member enjoys the activities with his peers and going to the disability pride parade."
- "Good staff."
- "Staff very helpful."
- "I like my own space and the comfort of my own room and the fact that staff allows me to be me and feel free to do the things I enjoy."
- "Staff are friendly."
- "I like that I am treated good."
Home Based/Self-Directed Assistance
- "My SDA is really good at her job. She will always go above and beyond."
- "I enjoy working with my aunt. I like being involved in my home."
- "Being with the program makes me feel special."
- "I am happy with the services I am receiving. My SDA is always going above and beyond to assist me with things we may need help with."
- "I like the fact that the services are catered to my needs."
- "The SDA is always willing to help. She will make things as convenient as possible."
- "My care giver treats me nice."
- "Everything is well organized."
- "How everyone come together when we have problems."
- "That Ms. Angela and Ms. Schena are always here to talk to me."

Jessica and Ruth water a sapling.
- "I receive assistance whenever needed, day or night and on the weekends."
- "I can get help with my benefits."
- "The opportunity to grow and prove myself."
- "They let me express my rights the way I want."
- "The laughs and joy staffs have in their faces when they work with members."
- "The ability to make my own choices."
- "Having all my rights explained to me by my staff."
Community Day Services
- "I go on nice outings."
- "My staff are very helpful to me."
- "Everyone is friendly."
- "The staff and members treat me nice."
- "I like working in the garden. I like doing yoga. I like working janitorial and getting money. I enjoy participating in the Special Olympics."
- "I love to do crafts."
- "It's a good place to be. I like the activities going on here. I like playing games, especially the Olympics. I enjoy it."
- "Everyone shows me love, I have friends here."
- "My Job Coach is always available to assist me."
- "I appreciate the work my support team is doing for me."
- "That I have helpful people on my side."
- "How when I was fired from my job my job coach worked fast on making sure they found me a new job. I love the new job."
- "Being able to make decisions in my services."
- "How my Job Coach is committed to helping me."

Marvin at work.
Foster Care/Intact Family Services
- "Keeping foster parents in the loop about what's going on."
- "Communication, true advocacy for both foster children and parents."
- "Anytime I call with concern they contact me rite bk they waste no time to get to me and help me understand my option on any situation they show that they care."
- "Communication is on point every time and making u fell heard seen and appreciated."
- "Training and supports for the foster parents and children."
- "They keep us updated with everything that goes on."
Mental Health Residential
- "I like the community health and I like talking to others."
- "Staff helping to prepare me with the skills I need."
- "I like the independence and the activities and different ways how you cook for yourself and make your own choices with staff support."
- "I like the services because they meet you half-way on my journey to success."
- "House is clean."
General Counseling
- "Clare really listens and has made if comfortable for me to talk to her. I am more open with her than any of my past 1/2 dozen therapists. We have discovered some diagnoses and root cause and come up with strategies to work on them"
- "I love my provider's queerness and experience with trans and neurodivergent issues."
- "At the end of my session I have time to reflect and address my feelings differently."
- "I like that it is tailored to me, and I don't feel pressured or awkward about the topic or topics I choose to talk about. I like that my counselor doesn't pick sides or says who is right or wrong."
- "I'm very pleased with my therapist. He understands my situation and always offers positive strategies."

An Envision Unlimited foster family.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
- "The staff are caring."
- "I love the sense of community we have. i feel like have a family here."
- "I like coming here every day."
- "I enjoy having something to do every day and feeling like I am still able to participate in every day in my own way."
- "To talk to staff. The groups help. Help me get my anxiety out and problems. Sometimes I get to talk about the trauma."
- "I like the groups, the outings, and the therapy!"
- "The staff really tries to assist and are a huge support."
- "Envision Unlimited finds you a place to live, helps with healthcare, and put people in place to help with everyday needs."
- "I like that I'm listened to and my opinions matter."
- "The people I work with are on top of everything that I need. They are very helpful and awesome to work with."
- "Having my own apartment has given me the opportunity to be independent."
- "Friendly and help me out. Explain everything. Happy to be back on own again."
Individual Placement and Support
- "I am provided with support that gives me hope about my future."
- "I was able to receive help creating a resume and finding employment. My Employment Specialist helped increase my self-confidence and gave me hope."
- "I do not have access to a computer or transportation. My Employment Specialist has helped me greatly with landing interviews and setting me up for success."
- "The respect and the support and you made me feel like a person that's has a chance to a new life."
- "My Employment Specialist is very hands on and has helped set up quite a few interviews for me. I appreciate the support."
Clustered Housing
- "How the Counselors are so nice and very attentive to our needs. Also they provide us with wonderful activities."
- "The support is effective and given with respect and dignity."
- "It's a good program to get you back into the community and independent living."
- "They always assist me and help me when I have a hard time."

Lighting the Special Olympics Flame of Hope.
Front Door Diversion Program
- "Very Helpful! Patient, willing to take time to tend to all needs."
- "Quick response to my mental health crisis. Help in stabilizing my living and mental health situation."
- "It's hard to pick, honestly. The program has helped me in so many ways. I wouldn't be where I am in my journey without it."
- "Being given the chance to be independent."
Trauma-Informed Centers of Care
- "I like the one-on-one conversation in the office and the therapeutic tools I've received. They're effective and I rely on them, which helps me excel."
- "I like that they have a social worker that can accommodate me on my errands because I have agoraphobia and it's really hard for me to do things outside of my home but with proper support it makes it do-able."
- "Friendly and committed attention."
- "Claire has been an amazing therapist. I’ve tried therapy before and was not this successful."
The Living Room
- "The staff are respectful and grateful."
- "Environment and staff were very personable."
- "What I liked most about the services I received was that it was peer supported. It made me feel more comfortable sharing my past and current crisis and mental health issues with others that have experienced similar issues."
- "I really like it the place is very clean and comfortable, and I recommend people."
Data and feedback was collected during FY 2024.