A young black man standing inside next to an older black man and smiling

In-Home Services

Chicago neighborhood

Home-Based Services/Self Directed Assistance

The Home-Based Services/Self Directed Assistance (HBS/SDA) program is designed to enable people to remain living in their family home while receiving services that support them to achieve their personal outcomes. The HBS/SDA program provides a monthly allocation that can be used to purchase services from authorized community agencies or to pay for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who are directed by the person or their designee. HBS/SDA recipients are funding through the Home and Community Based waiver program and would be working with an Individual Service Coordinator from their geographic area. If a person opts to purchase Self Direction Assistance, Envision Unlimited could provide this service. As an SDA provider, Envision Unlimited staff would provide skills training to enable families to independently manage DSP staff, including the completion of timekeeping and other employee-related tasks. For more information regarding HBS/SDA or to make a referral, please contact Eileen Morrissey at 773-358-6941 or emorrissey@envisionunlimited.org.

In-Home Respite

In-home respite is intended to provide temporary relief to the families from their caregiving roles, to reduce the stress of the caregiver, thereby reducing the potential for crisis, to help maintain a person with I/DD in their home and reduce the need for long-term supports and services. It allows families to engage in necessary daily activities, thus decreasing their feelings of isolation. Respite is typically provided in the family home and respite staff can be identified by the individual and their family. Respite staff would also need to complete an application for employment with Envision Unlimited, pass a background check and complete training requirements. In-home respite is prioritized for people who are not receiving any other funded service.

For more information and to schedule an in-person appointment to discuss eligibility and complete all necessary paperwork, contact our Respite Coordinator at 773-899-6177 or respiteinfo@envisionunlimited.org.